"Somewhere Near Tapachula is a truly inspiring story of love, life and hope. Set in Tapachula, Mexico, this documentary follows the stories of 54 children from lives of poverty, trauma and abuse, and their journey to Mision Mexico, a children's refuge founded by Australia couple Pam and Alan Skuse
It also focuses on the unique surf community that they have pioneered in Tapachula, a coastal city with no other wave riders.
The surfing experience has had a phenomenal impact on the children, creating an escape from their unimaginable pasts. The power of the ocean and solace of surfing is truly inspiring - "This might be the most important surf movie of our times" - quotes renowned surf author Tim Baker.
Somewhere Near Tapachula will challenge you with the important things in life, and open your eyes to the power of riding waves, whether you are a surfer or not.
This film is 100% non for profit, and all proceeds will be donated to Misiòn Mèxico Children's Refuge.
Directed by Stefan Hunt & Jonno Durrant."
Their blog.
Short interview with Pam Skuse and Stefan Hunt here.
Where is Tapachula?

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